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By Stephen King
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It is a 1986 horror novel by American author Stephen King. The story follows the exploits of seven children as they are terrorized by the eponymous inter-dimensional predatory life-form that exploits the fears and phobias of its victims in order to disguise itself whilst hunting its prey. “It” primarily appears in the form of “Bob Gray” a.k.a. “Pennywise the Dancing Clown”, described by characters who see It as resembling a combination of Bozo, Clarabell and Ronald McDonald, in order to attract its preferred prey of young children. The novel is told through narratives alternating between two time periods, which is largely told in a third-person omniscient view. It deals with themes which would eventually become King staples: the power of memory, childhood trauma and the ugliness lurking beneath a façade of traditional small-town values. The novel won the British Fantasy Award in 1987, and received nominations for the Locus and World Fantasy Awards that same year. Publishers Weekly listed It as the best-selling book in America in 1986.

It by Stephen King: “It” apparently originated in a void containing and surrounding the universe, a place referred to in the novel as the “Macroverse” (a concept similar[original research?] to the later established Todash Darkness of The Dark Tower series). It’s most commonly used name is Bob Gray or Pennywise (at several points in the novel, It claims its true name to be Robert Gray) and is christened “It” by the group of children who later confront It. Likewise, It’s true form is never truly comprehended. It’s favorite form is that of a clown (with fangs and large claws when It stalks a child) known as Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and It’s final form in the physical realm is that of an enormous female spider, although It is possibly male (or more likely has no gender). The Losers Club considers It female. It’s spider form is the closest the human mind can get to approximating It’s actual physical form. It’s natural form exists in a realm beyond the physical, in the area past the edge of the universe, a form which It calls the “deadlights.” As such, the deadlights are never seen in their entirety, only partly shown through a metaphysical cage that surrounds our universe and It’s true form outside the physical world is revealed to only be writhing, destructive orange lights. Coming face to face with the deadlights drives any living being instantly insane (a common H. P. Lovecraft device), if not killed outright. Bill comes dangerously close to seeing the deadlights, but successfully defeats It before this happens, though during their first confrontation with It, Ben believes that he nearly sees It’s true form, and nearly panics as a result. The only known person to face the deadlights and survive is Bill’s wife, Audra Phillips, whose encounter with the deadlights nevertheless renders her temporarily catatonic…

Beings that It kills or has something to do with the death of are seemingly absorbed into It’s consciousness, and it is somewhat implied that they ‘never truly die’. At certain times some beings that It takes the form of seem to have a small amount of autonomy such as when the corpse of Belch Huggins gives Henry a ride to the Derry Townhouse and gives Henry strange looks but says nothing at all and when Beverly’s father screams about his desire to rape her. It has also shown the power to possess people, lulling them into a dream-like state where they are hardly aware of their actions and simply behave violently or ignore the violence at hand.
It‘s power is apparently quite vast; during the second Ritual of Chüd, It offers the Losers money, power, and supernatural lifespans if they spare It. Of course, It could merely have been bluffing in order to save itself. Nonetheless, It is able to manifest in multiple places at once (at one point, It possesses Alvin Marsh, Beverly’s father, and Henry Bowers at the same time) and choose to make itself and anything related to itself visible to some while invisible to others. When It confronts Richie Tozier in 1985, It threatens to give him prostate cancer, a brain tumor, and turn his tongue into pus, and Richie is convinced that It could actually perform such feats… (Summary by Wikipedia)

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